Do you know if you're complaining or saying something bad about someone, you're actually proclaiming death over a person? Before I had my discipleship with my mom Heather, I didn't know that. Of course we do know it is not a good thing to talk about someone behind that person's back, I bet the non-believer acknowledge that as well. Last night God is speaking to my heart by saying "You are a imitator of me, why would you keep doing something like this?"
Okay! Let me talk about my daily scenario of complaining, I may very well started a day by complaining the passengers on the MRT, my mom, the people in the gym, my boss, my colleague and my friends. Sometimes it may accidentally blurt out by saying someone is such a pain in the butt and I don't want to deal with them anymore or by magnifying people's mistakes just to make sure I am qualified to be a victim and ask for people's mercy. Oftentimes, the more we complain the more we get upset! Have you ever complained about your boss with your colleague, maybe your colleague is calling the shot and you feel like you're obligated to be along for the ride and then at the end of the conversation both of you guys feel nothing but empty and the resentment didn't go away as you thought. As a matter of fact, your boss still reacts like an arrogant prick just as the way you describe him. Have you ever thought your words have power? Maybe this is the reason why he still remains the same way because you keep proclaiming death over this man.
Just as Joyce Meyer said, some of us are experts to receive from the enemy then Jesus. That might probably true! Why? Because you are allowing it. You are allowing your emotion and your own victim mentality dictate over you instead of being guide by the Spirit, To be honest, as we give our life to Christ, every second of our life is a spiritual challenge. Of course, it is hard for us to put up with people's neurosis because we are not cold stone with no heart. Scriptures said "And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will. --2Timothy2:24-26"
To me, this is something I've been struggling with but I really want to be free from this. I am a firm believer of God's love can conquer all! It most certainly is. I can tell you it is not easy to be immune to this matter but if you are willing, God is doing!
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