And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. --2 Corinthians 5:15
並 且 他 替 眾 人 死 、 是 叫 那 些 活 著 的 人 、 不 再 為 自 己 活 、 乃 為 替 他 們 死 而 復 活 的 主 活 --哥 林 多 後 書 2 Corinthians5:15
Have you ever prayed like this? "Father God, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come as it is in Heaven and I just want to give thanks to you because you are a glorious Father to me. Oh! Just for the record, please save my family and heal my grandparents and yank them out of misery, please help my dad and my brother quit smoking, please bless my family business and fix our finances...oh! FYI! Please have me pass my test! " And then after you routinely give thanks to the Lord, routinely praise Him and routinely ask the same thing you want, you just shut your door and start your day and then God is like "Wait!!!!!!!!! I've gotta say something! Yo........Jus..........tine..." To be honest, this is how I pray. Yesterday I had discipleship with my dad Taguchi, he told me there's a big difference between one way prayer and interact with God. Sometimes we just put our focus on ask God for things and randomly give thanks or praise Him so as to exchange the gifts we want. In John 10:27 said "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." Have you ever thought, there are something that God has meant to tell you but you never give Him a chance to say it. Because you are just focusing on telling what you want from Him instead of listening to Him.
你有這樣子禱告過嗎? "天父阿,願你的名高舉,你的國度來臨如同天上,我感謝你天父因為你是個得勝的父親。喔!還有拜託帶我全家信主,醫治我外公外婆帶他們脫離苦海,幫我爸我哥戒菸,祝福我家的生意,我家的財務狀況也交託給你!!還有,拜託讓我通過考試!"我們按慣例的感謝主,讚美主,跟他要東西。當你要完東西後你就把你的門關起來然後上帝就"等一下!!!! 我要跟你說話!!喂.......Jus....tine....."然後已經來不及了,因為我已經把我的耳朵關起來開始我的一天。坦白說這是我每天的禱告。昨天我和我的屬靈老爸田口駿上門徒訓練的時候,他跟我討論到這點。他說到單向的向神禱告要東西和與神雙向溝通是有很大的差別的。 約 翰 福 音 10:27 說"我 的 羊 聽 我 的 聲 音 , 我 也 認 識 他 們 , 他 們 也 跟 著 我 。"你有沒有想過其實神有很多話想要對你說但是你都沒給他一個機會向你說。因為你一直專注在跟他要你所求所想而非想聽神說話。
We are chosen by God, we were the lost coins that God would spend whatever it takes to find us because this is how special and precious we are in His eyes. The reason why God choose us to be His sons and daughters because you have the potential and you've inherited His DNA. He wants you to be an imitator as Jesus Christ in your family, school and work. In Scriptures says about "Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. --Matthew 16:24" I believe there's a deeper meaning of taking up his cross, that means freedom. Be free from the things of this world. Ok! That's change the situation now, if you are Jesus Christ now, what would you do to your friends a.k.a "YOUR PEOPLE"? If someone offend you at work or at church, would that matter? Of course it doesn't matter because whenever we do something bad we always come before God and ask Him for mercy and grace. The reason why you ask that because you know He is the one with those characters and He will forgive you anyway. The thing is, if you are child of God, anything of this world doesn't matter to you at all. The core value you need to carry is "live for Jesus and be an imitator of the Lord." That's it! Don't carry all those burden on your shoulder because whether your mom is Christian or the provision of your family is NOT your responsibility but God's. We just have to believe all things works together for His good." Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?-- Matthew 6:26" Don't you know you mean a world to our Father?
我們是被神揀選的,我們就是路加福音裡面說的那個失去的銅板。當他失去我們的時候他會不計一切代價找尋我們因為我們在他的眼中是如此的珍貴和特別。上帝揀選我們的原因乃是因為你的淺力和你所繼承從神所來的DNA。他希望我們能夠效法耶穌成為在你家庭裡,學校裡及工作上的代言人。 "馬太福音16:24 於 是 耶 穌 對 門 徒 說 : 若 有 人 要 跟 從 我 , 就 當 捨 己 , 背 起 他 的 十 字 架 來 跟 從 我 。" 我相信這句話更深層的意義是自由,因為十字架代表著你的過犯及負擔已經交託給神你已經得自由。 好,那我們現在換的立場想,假設你今天是耶穌,你會怎樣對待你的朋友也就是"你的子民"。 如果今天他們在工作上或教會冒犯了你,你覺得重要嗎? 當然不重要! 因為你知道有人冒犯你或者你對他們有仇恨時你會來到神的面前請求恩典和憐憫。你向神求這些的原因是因為你相信上帝是擁有恩典和憐憫特質的父且不管怎樣他就是會原諒你啦! 重點來了,今天你是神的孩子,在這個世界上所發生的一切事情對你來說都一點也不重要。我們所要攜帶的核心價值是"活著像耶穌,在生命中效法神所做的" 就這麼簡單! 不要讓負擔宰制你,不管今天你媽會不會信主,家中的財務狀況如何這些都是神的事不是你的責任。我們需要做的是去相信神會將所有他應許你的必成就。"馬太福音 6:26說到 你 們 看 那 天 上 的 飛 鳥 , 也 不 種 , 也 不 收 , 也 不 積 蓄 在 倉 裡 , 你 們 的 天 父 尚 且 養 活 他 。 你 們 不 比 飛 鳥 貴 重 得 多 麼 ?"你難道不知道你在天父的眼中有多重要嗎?
Sometimes God will surprise people in a very creative and customized way! Here's the story, I have a friend who I've pushed so hard to persuade him to come to church and sell him Jesus. I feel like God was telling me to stop doing this because that is His case and FYI I am scaring people. Haha! He was my colleague at work and after I quit my job, we seldom contact or anything. Yesterday I got his wazapp, he was like "Justine! Jeremy Lin is much like you because he is all about God, God, God!" and my colleague also told me his life was miserable still, I told Him "The voice of lies can't affected you unless you empowered them!" I think this is an answer and reminder of my prayer that God is doing things in my friend's life and all I have to do is put my trust in God and walk like JC. 有時候神會用一個非常具創意且客製化的方法來給你驚喜。我有一個故事想跟大家分享,我有個朋友我總是邀他來教會跟他訴說上帝有多棒多好,一直推銷耶穌給他。後來,神跟我說你必須停止,這傢伙是我的責任還有你有點嚇壞你朋友囉。哈! 他曾經是我同事,當我離職後我們鮮少連絡但昨天我收到他的wazapp我很驚訝也很開心。他說"Justine,林書豪跟你真像! 一天到晚在那God, God,God的!" 後來我有機會跟他聊聊,他說他的生活還是過得很痛苦。神開了一個機會讓我鼓勵他"我說謊言本身沒有能量的,除非你給予他能量他才能影響你" 我想這對我來說是一個禱告的應答和提醒。畢竟我的所求所想神都知道且神都在我朋友的生命做工只是我不知道而已。我需要做的就是信任神並且每天活得像耶穌一樣。
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