What exactly is the truth definition of love? You might very well respond”Oh! I love my boyfriend, I will cheer him up whenever he feels upset, cook him dinner and offer my shoulder for him to cry on!” But what if “Love” is something way bigger than you can never imagine? Are you willing to die for him? Lay down your life for your family, your friends or someone you don’t know or even someone you once hated? Would you say you understand and be willing to love? I wasn’t a believer before last February, and I was brought up by being educated that “There’s no such thing as free lunch!” Therefore, I was having hard time to understand how can one person, one God is willing to die for every single one of us, I thought that was just exaggerating. As I continue to walk on the journey with the Lord, read through His words and see how many things that He has done for His creation then I gradually believe true love does exist in this world. Have you ever done something for someone you love or someone you don’t even know and makes you feel being filled up with joy after you did that? Even giving up your seats to the seniors on the subway could make you feel extremely happy about that! Where does the joy coming from? The joy coming from doing something out of love!! As children of God, we have authority and the fruits of God coming from Heaven, the Scriptures says “ But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.—Galatians 5:22-25” Our job is to be a true blessing and the imitator of the Lord, do everything out of love! Love is selfless, love is sacrifice, love is eternal til the end of age, love never perish! Why would God made you fashion designer, teacher, artist, singer, student so that you could be the most blessed human beings on earth and you could blessed yourself? No!!!!!! God gave you those resources and creativity to love those who needs Him. So I would like to urge you to truly and deeply love not just those people around you but also those who you don’t know or once hated. Even a simple smile on the face out of love could soften the hardest heart. Remember, it's not about you anymore, it's about Him!
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