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Sunday, January 29, 2012

2012/01/30 Nothing to Lose and Nothing to Prove

I heard our brother Andrew from our church passed away last Wednesday. He got killed in a car accident while he went on bike riding trip in Pintung. This is extremely shocking for some of us especially he is a close friend to the Ximen ministry and on top of that he's still young.  It really dawned on me, we never know when will God need us to get back to heaven and fulfill our mission on earth. Yesterday  Pastor Jon was preaching about what the Scriptures depicted how Paul died with a great satisfaction since he has done everything and been obedient according to God's will. Follow Jesus is beyond a life and death matter, I meant way beyond!! Jesus was being very clear several times in the Bible by saying "And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:27" What do you mean by that JC? Well, God is not looking for someone who is extra talented or extremely eloquent, he is looking for someone is willing. Willing to give his life to God and being along for His ride! By the time we stand before Him and look back to what we've done in the past, we will not just die with regret nor in vain.

For some of us, we've been blessed by great fortune, friends, family and abundant of resources. We could never imagine the life of people in Burkina faso or Haiti still suffering with clean water and food.  Church and Christianity are NOT just about the fancy building and fancy people with great outfit to be self helped, it's about meeting other people needs. "But the one who did not know it, and committed deeds worthy of a flogging, will receive but few. From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more. Luke 12:48" To tell the truth, I am still struggling with how to love people. Back then, I had a 8 years long-term relationship with my ex and I thought love is just something among two people. This relationship is so codependent and not healthy because I was this girl full with jealousy, hatred, anger and I could only think of my boyfriend is my possession and I became just as one of those dogs don't share with chew toys. Afterward I became believer, I gradually understand what enemy is trying to destroy is that genuine love. Love is patient, love is kind, love is not envy, love is not boast, love is not self-seeking, love is not easily angered, love is not proud, love is putting others before yourself. So like literally I am such an alien to love because I have no clue of what love is and I've got so caught up by selfishness. I am not saying I am coping anything better or becoming an impeccable person or anything. But what I am trying to say is, gradually God is setting me free from this bondage; as a matter of fact, that wasn't easy and of course there's definitely bumpy on my road to come follow Jesus. The thing is, it's worth it! It's all worth it because as a child of God, the things of this world don't apply to us anymore. You have nothing to lose and nothing to prove. Your life is not about you soooo not about you.

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