Today I want to share something about how easy it is to disciple people and encourage people! Discipleship is not about you are spiritually higher than anybody and then demand them to do something spiritually. As a matter of fact, I feel like discipleship is more about introducing this awesome friend Jesus Christ to someone and bless them what God has been blessing you. Everybody needs love therefore everybody needs Jesus, sometimes people don't know how bad they need love and freedom. God has been ordained us to be the sowers of the Lord and our job is to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.-- Matthew 28:19-20" Oh! Yes indeed!! Teach "them" what God has commanded us!
今天我想跟各位分享的是訓練門徒和鼓勵人們是有多容易的一件事情。 門徒訓練不是屬靈有多高深的人命令你要去做什麼屬靈的事。其實我對門徒的想法就是介紹你的好朋友耶穌和祝福你身邊的人讓他們也能夠跟你一樣經歷到那樣的自由和喜樂。對我來說,每一個人都需要愛,耶穌是愛,所以每一個人都需要耶穌。神揀選我們成為撒種者而我們的工作是 " 所 以 , 你 們 要 去 , 使 萬 民 作 我 的 門 徒 , 奉 父 、 子 、 聖 靈 的 名 給 他 們 施 洗 ( 或 作 : 給 他 們 施 洗 , 歸 於 父 、 子 、 聖 靈 的 名 ) 。
凡 我 所 吩 咐 你 們 的 , 都 教 訓 他 們 遵 守 , 我 就 常 與 你 們 同 在 , 直 到 世 界 的 末 了 。--馬太 28:19-20" 沒錯!教導他們神所給你們的。
I did mention about how Pastor Chang share the recipe to sustain the fire is by passing to someone otherwise the fire is going to die eventually! So my suggestion is, if you are willing you could establish a genuine friendship by being honest about our Faith and keep serving them. You may very well invite them to have Starbucks once or twice a week to check on them or listen to their hearts. Bless them and encourage them! Remember, it is not only pastor or missionary's job to make disciples but yours. At the end of day, we do have the same identity as child of God and we do have the same "Great Commission!" So if you do have spiritual parents now I would love to congrats you because you will be totally equipped and by the tools your spiritual parents sharing with you, you will learn how to use them to bring the kingdom of God. You strength and courage it's not coming from how many times you read through Bible(Don't get me wrong, Bible does play an essential part in our life because it is the filter of God's words!) it's about you have been with Jesus. Remember how Peter and John reacted in front of the rulers and the teachers of the law, their faith is not coming from what schools they were attending to or how were the approved by some famous people, it's about the fact that they actually been with Jesus!!! "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. --Acts 4:13"
As for those who haven't found your spiritual parents I will love to urge you to pray about it and ask God to send someone to serve you. At the end of day, as we walk with Jesus, we will be having more than one spiritual parents. Don't be afraid to consult with more than one person because different spiritual parents could offer you different gifts. God makes everyone unique and special so as to perform a chamber of symphony for His love.
先前有跟大家分享過Pastor Chang跟我分享的秘方,因為我會擔心我火焰會滅掉。但他跟我說,你知道怎樣才不會熄火嗎?你要把你的火把傳給下一個人。我的想法是,門徒其實就是和其他人建立起最真誠的友誼坦承你的信心並服侍他們。你可以邀請他們去喝星巴克,要請他們至少一周或兩周跟你見一次面讓他們有機會讓你傾聽他們的心。祝福他們並鼓勵他們。其實,這些工作並不是僅只牧師或者傳道人的工作而是你的工作。因為我們都有同一個身分,我們皆是神的孩子而我們擁有同等的大使命。所以如果你現在有屬靈的父母,我真的很恭喜你因為你會被完全的裝備而你也將擁有你屬靈父母的工具。你也會學習如何去使用這些工具把神的國度帶到這世界上。你的力量和勇氣不是來自於你念了聖經幾次(千萬別誤會,聖經是很重要的!因為他扮演著神話語的咖啡濾紙。你會藉由你對聖經的理解去分辨那些話是從神而來) 你的信心來自於你真的和耶穌相處過!!記得在使徒行傳中彼得和約翰在律法的長者和教師前如何表現的,他們的信心絕對不是來自於今天他去那間名校上課或者他們被名人所認可。而是他們真的和耶穌相處。"他 們 見 彼 得 、 約 翰 的 膽 量 , 又 看 出 他 們 原 是 沒 有 學 問 的 小 民 , 就 希 奇 , 認 明 他 們 是 跟 過 耶 穌 的 。"
Oftentimes when we encourage people, they will be like "are you being real?" "are you saying those things because you are trying to make me feel better?" and then they will go "I feel more comfortable to being around someone who is more real!" Sometimes people are not used to be encouraged, because how the society reflects is more about putting people down so as to prove themselves higher than others or magnifying people's mistakes. When we encourage people, the whole atmosphere will be changed because our words have power. You will never know by a simple encourage word you can go around to end suicide or even war! That's say if you're working out in the gym, in stead of thinking they are being nice so as to sell training class to you, you could have a whole change a mentality by saying "You know what I have been looking forward for this entire day? Is to see your smile!" I am sure they will feel touched by what you said because they will no longer try to be nice to you because what the manager demand them to act that way, they being nice to you because they are rejoicing the glory of God with you as well.
有時候當我們鼓勵別人時,他們會說"你可以實際一點嗎?" "你說這些只是想讓我開心一點" "我和實際的人相處起來比較愉快" 有時候人們不習慣被鼓勵,這個社會總是喜歡貶低他人成就自我或者放大人的錯誤。但當我們鼓勵別人時,整個氛圍將會改變因為話語是有力量的。你的話語甚至可以挽救很多人的生命或阻止戰爭。我要舉一個我的例子,我常去健身房運動,櫃台的小姐每次都會對我笑或者很有禮貌。我相信那是經理逼他們這麼做。但是你的心態換一下,不要想著他們是為了向你推銷課程才對你好。你可以鼓勵他們"你知道嗎?我一天最期待就是來健身房因為你的笑容讓我心情很好" 因為下次他們在對你笑是真心的跟你一起分享神榮耀的喜樂
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