Hey Ladies!!!
I've been doing my best to remain faithful to blogging. So anytime I can find time to squeeze in sharing time I make sure I do it.
While letting God's word speak to me, I've been combining the book of John and the book of Kings (1&2) I truly love the stories in the Old Testament. Some of them just have some serious drama; I mean some really good soapy drama, realty TV going on.
Anyway this week I reflected on a story called NABOTH'S VINEYARD.
Basically the jest of the story is King Ahab sees a nice fruitful vineyard by a hill that belongs to a man named Naboth. The Vineyard just happens to be close to the King's palace and He thinks it would be perfect for him to plant a vegetable garden.
Ok because of the Law (Mosses Law) The King requests Naboth to either give him the vineyard close to his palace in exchange for a better vineyard or buy it from him for whatever amount Naboth Request.
Naboth's response was "I inherited this vineyard from my ancestors,” Naboth replied. "The LORD forbids that I should let you have it!" basically He told the King of Israel a big NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. So the King went home depressed Please read the rest of it 1st Kings 21.
Anyway eventually the King and Queen eventually kill Naboth and his son's for His Vineyard.
Ok when I read this story I just thought of myself as Naboth, and the vineyard being my purity, sexual integrity, my intimacy with Jesus, my spiritual walk, finances, health e.t.c The Lord showed me that these things are gifts and an spiritual inheritance that God has given me, an inheritance that Jesus died for on the cross. And as a young woman I tend to have "King Ahabs" in my life that could lead me to compromise my Godly given inheritance. The funny thing the "King Ahabs in my Life make it sometimes make it seem worth giving up all that God has given me as part of his covenant promise for me.... These King Ahabs offer convenience, wealth, security, flatter, feeding my ego, emotions e.t.c all at the risk of me compromising my God given inheritance.
When Naboth said no to King Ahab, he knew he could put his life in danger or even delay his success. Naboth even got murdered for not selling his vineyard to the King.
I sometimes ask myself when my inheritance ever has to be tested like Naboth how will I stand? but I've learned in the past that every time I've been able to Say NO to the "King Ahabs" of my life (even just by refusing to sleep in and go exercise ha-ha or saying no to Ice-cream on weekdays or buying another pair of shoes just because its on sale ahhaah) I’ve learned that I'm not standing alone, but I really feel my intimate relationship with Jesus helping me stand.
So I truly encourage you that even if in the past or in your life you often find yourself saying yes to King Ahab, that you would know that God's grace and forgiveness has the power to restore your inheritance in him.
You know what?? The Lord made sure that Naboth's death was avenged. Everyone in Ahab's household died horrible shameful deaths and they weren't even buried. So if anyone or anything has forcefully taken away your inheritance, God will make sure that your past dies a shameful death that will be buried on the foot of the cross!!!
So Always know that you're loved and you’re a Vineyard worth everything.
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