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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A ThankFul kiss

A few days ago I recalled a childhood memory about my father. I used to love it and I still do, when my father would come home with groceries. Usually it was the essential stuff like bread, sugar blah blah, but I loved it the most that in those plastic bags there would be a tiny treat hidden for us to either share or have it all to myself.

I would of course help out with the groceries and my father would tell us to be careful because there was a special treat in those bags. We would all race into the Kitchen and take all the essential stuff and look for that small treat. When we finally found it we wouldn't open it right away instead, we would either run up to my mother or father and ask them if this is the treat and if it was ok for us to open it and eat it all at once.

I remember the heart felt thank you that I would say to my father and the warm kiss I would give him to show my approval. I would either sit on his lap and devour my treat or go somewhere else to enjoy it.

I feel the Lord used this childhood memory to remind me to be thankful, it’s like God is always faithful to make sure that He always provides the essential groceries of our intimate walk with him, because that's what we need and then there are those special treats that he wants to give to you, not because you can't live without them but because God not only Loves you He adores you.

Growing up my parents had a very tight budget(with six kids and all the other fostered kids) so when my father would come home with a treat I would feel wow He is willing to go over the budget just to get me this treat it would honestly make me feel so loved and treasured. Now that I'm older and my parents don’t necessarily have a tight budget, I feel wow at 27 years old with a full time job, my parents are still willing to take the time to get me a high calorie delicious treat , I still devour it and remind myself to do 100 extra sit ups (haha)

So for the past two days I've been reminded to thank the Lord for every delicious treat and Kiss him back for it. So I just spent my time in Gdo's presence singing to him and thankfully kissing Him.

Jesus delights in you because you're worth it.

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