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Wednesday, April 21, 2010


John 1. In him was life and that life was the light of men” Thank you Jesus that you’re life, you’re WORD is life.
Sometimes we feel that there areas in our lives that are dead, and because of these dead areas or sense of death in us, we can’t truly experience the intimacy we’re meant to have with God. I often hear sermons and read books and articles about intimacy with Jesus and how our relationship with Jesus needs to change from a religious mindset to an intimate lifestyle with him. In our women’s group we often talk about having an intimate relationship with Christ so that we can heal from our past hurts.
However the question always remains how do I have intimacy with Jesus? Is there a formula?? Should I increase my prayer time? Should I attend more cell groups, read my bible more. Have an accountability partner, get married, fast from shopping, or take a 40 day fast from face book or my favorite gossip magazine. All these things seem like the best formula. I’ve tried them and after every shopping fast, I do actually realize that my worth in Jesus is not in my fashion sense
But the Lord has been showing me a lot lately that I can do all these things and still not have intimacy with him. I’ve come to realize that intimacy with God is not how well you hear his voice, oh how many visions you get, and how many people are on your prayer list and all the global issues you intercede for. But it’s letting his WORD bring life to all the dark areas in your life. I feel so many times we try to live life with dead areas, such as insecurities, unhealthy & ungodly relationships, jealousy, competition, addictions, worry, fear ,weight issues, hating our jobs and our boss, need for attention, not liking or loving ourselves you name it. I find it so hurtful and sad that a lot of us in the body of Christ are still wounded casualties not prepared as the army and bride of Christ were called to be. I mean we say we’re walking with the Lord yet still can’t overcome the dead areas in our lives and still live in fear. What is wrong here!!!????(This LARGLEY INCLUDES ME)
So as I spent time NOT READING my “Bible” but seeking and studying the WORD of God, which is the Life of God, the Lord showed me through his WORD I can experience an effortless intimacy with him, an intimacy that will restore, and keep me restored, pour vision, joy, life in the dead areas. Through this I’m being taught that a lifestyle of prayer begins with finding life and intimacy through the WORD of God. When we dig into the WORD we dig into our ROOTS, into the source and origin of who we are and are meant to be and that is experiencing all of God. All we ever need to understand about ourselves is in God. I long to be at a point where I’m daily consumed by HIS WORD in every area of my life and yes that includes my job too, my morning hikes, bathroom time, business deals, shopping for a new non-emergency pair of shoes, even praying life over the celebrities I read about on the gossip columns, because before everything began the WORD was there and it was with GOD and the WORD was God < Jesus the WORD was with God in the Beginning. The journey and lifestyle of intimacy with God begins in the WORD, through the love of Jesus, because apart from him we can’t do anything.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Aerial View

The will of God is mighty, so mighty and high. I have aerial view, I know, I know what is best for you. You are my child; I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will not leave you orphaned. In the middle of the rain storm I am by your side. When your coat is soaking wet, arms open wide you're looking up to heaven , but I stand behind you with arms wrapped around you tight. I will never leave you, NEVER NEVER NEVER. I am with you now and always. you are MINE...MINE, and I will guard you jealously, jealously, because you are MINE, No one will snatch you away from me, you are MINE, you are MINE, from me you are MINE, YOU are MINE YOU are MINE. FORGIVEN AND LOVED.
Her Royal Highness Princess Vanessa.